Selection contains nothing. TIFF: Unknown command in CCITT3. TIFF: Unexpected EOL command in CCITT3. TIFF: Old LZW compression algorithm. No 'STR#' resources available. Picture in use from a layout. Can´t close picture. First close layout window. System error: Version conflict or file isn´t a layout. GIF contains not picture. No enough memory for undo! Probably close other windows. Unknown format. Printing from finder not possible. No GEM-Metafile. Graphicconverter can´t open the following TIFF compression algorithms: CCITT 3 and 4 (faxsimile compatible) No PICT in resource fork available. No resource fork available. Clipboard contains no 'PICT'. You can only open black and white images. Not enough memory to build PICT. Probably close other windows or use “Segment”.